Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Wednesday Spread: Perspective Spread, The Westwood Tarot

Welcome to the Wednesday spread, everyone! This spread comes from the LWB for the Westwood Tarot deck; it's nine cards, making it definitely one of the more complicated spreads I've tried! As always, I didn't have any particular situation in mind when I dealt the cards, and I turn over one card at a time, so I can't see the overall shape of the spread until the end.

Energies at Play (What energies surround the situation?): King of Swords.
This is a situation that needs to be approached logically, with careful thought and consideration. It's not a situation where emotions should come into play. Given the eagle in this card, it may be something legal or at least official.

Unseen Corners (What am I missing or overlooking?):
The situation as it is can't go on; it's got to come to an end so something new can take its' place. I've been trying to ignore this fact and pretend that everything can continue as it is, but that just isn't feasible. The vulture shown here will help me move on.

Gaining Distance (What insights emerge when I step back?): Two of Cups.
There is help available with this! I don't have to do it alone; someone is waiting to partner with me and help steer me through the issue. Like these two seahorses, we'll help each other out.

A Higher View (What wisdom is revealed from above?): Queen of Wands.
This Queen doesn't bow down to anyone. I don't need to compromise on this situation; I can get the outcome I want simply by holding my ground. This proud lioness will make sure things turn out well.

Shifting Tides (How is the situation evolving?): Three of Pentacles.
My duo may need to become a team! The Three of Pentacles is the card of teamwork, especially mentor/mentee. Someone is waiting to guide me through this whole thing and give me the benefit of their wisdom.

Focal Point (What essential element demands my focus?): The Devil.
The Devil is about vice, bad habits and patterns that need to be let go of. This card wants me to think about what I need to stop and what should take its' place in my life.

Divine Whispers (What spiritual guidance is offered?): The High Priestess.
This card was made for this spot! The High Priestess teaches us to listen to our instincts and trust our intuition. The situation might look good, but how does it feel when we really stop and think about it? This wise owl will help us out.

Optimal Path (What course of action is most favourable?):
 Knight of Cups.
Following on from the Priestess above, this Knight acts on his feelings - he feels so much that it weighs him down, sometimes! Once I'm sure of my gut, I should go for it immediately.

Emerging Possibilities (What outcome lies on the foreseeable horizon?):
 Queen of Swords.
We are back in the realm of logic. Unlike the King above, this Queen does have emotions; she knows how to keep them under control and use them in her everyday life to help gain her goals. It seems like if I make the right choice, I'll come out of this with more control and focus on what I want in life.

Overall, this points to an important situation that needs careful handling; it needs a mixture of logic and intuition, and will require me to change my habits. I don't have to go through it alone, though, there is help available if I want it. With no Wands apart from the Queen, this isn't going to be a quick process; it will take time, work and dedication to get through.

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