Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Wednesday Spread: The Sugar Skull Spread

Welcome to the Wednesday spread! We're still working with the Sugar Skull tarot deck and, as you might be able to tell from the title, this spread was designed by the deck author to use with it. As always I'm doing this blind, one card at a time, so let's see what we come up with! I'm writing this with 'I' and 'me' but feel free to consider it in terms of your own life.

What is my inner sugar skull trying to tell me about my potential? 5 of Pentacles.
I've been letting my misfortunes take up all my attention and not paying attention to my potential. Self pity is a killer of progress. This woman and child are trapped in the desert, but look - there's a stagecoach stopping behind them to render assistance. Things can and do get better.

What is blocking my progress?
Ace of Swords
I'm spending too long in the thinking phase and not actually implementing my ideas. There's only so much thinking can do; at some point you have to step forward and do the work, use that brilliant insight that the Ace of Swords brings. Stop focusing on what's not working and move on!

What do I need to know about my current situation?
The universe is on my side! As long as I have been fair and honest in the past, karma will ensure that things go right for me now.

What attributes are needed to reach my true potential and desires?
Two of Pentacles
Keeping things even and balanced, which can be harder than it looks! Making sure that all aspects of my plan advance at the right times, in step with each other, will help secure a good outcome. This man is very skilled, balancing his two sugar skulls while riding his horse! I should aim for that level of calm and control.

What in my environment can be used to help me along my path? (people, relationships, employment etc)
Ace of Pentacles
I should remember that ideas can come from anywhere and be ready to receive them! Anything can spark a new thought and I should chase all options and see if they're worth following up on.

What is my sugar skull reminding me to already be thankful for?
Six of Cups
I have time to stop and enjoy good memories. I have good memories to enjoy! This woman is indulging in a little nostalgia, watching her children play the same games she played as a child.

The outcome of my situation
Queen of Pentacles
I can go my own way, forge my own path and be fabulous doing it! This Queen never lets anyone else dictate to her or take away her shine; if I stay on course I can be like that as well, comfortable in my own skin and enjoying myself.

It's an interesting read! Out of our seven cards we have four Pentacles, so this read is focused on business, work or money. Surprisingly, there's no Wands; this isn't a quick, energetic burst, but more of a slow grind to reach the end. 

1 comment:

Deck review: The Transparent Tarot by Emily Carding

A must-have for both readers and collectors, this highly innovative deck consists of simple yet striking images displayed on clear plastic, ...