Wednesday 31 July 2024

Wednesday Spread: The Kid's Tarot, Month Ahead Spread

Happy Wednesday, all! Welcome to the Wednesday Spread. This is my first attempt at creating a spread of my own so I'd love to know what you think of it! 

This spread is a look at next month and what we need to hold on to and let go of. Deal the cards in a square, going clockwise from the top left.

First card: What you need to hold on to this month

Six of Cups

This card is about nostalgia and happy memories. Memories can be a source of joy and strength and we shouldn't dismiss them. There's nothing wrong with reliving happier times!

Second card: What you need to let go of this month

Page of Wands

This isn't the time to focus on that new topic you wanted to learn about. You don't have to give it up forever; it's just not the time right now. Keep it nearby and focus on other things for now.

Third card: What to keep in mind as the month progresses

Four of Swords

It's ok to rest and relax. The world tries to make us think we always have to be moving, hurrying, working or hustling, never stopping. It's ridiculous. Resting is how we get ready for the next thing. And remember that resting looks different for everyone; for some it's sleeping, for some it's knitting or reading. Find your way and do it without guilt.

Fourth card: What to focus on this month

Three of Swords

There's some emotional pain you need to deal with. Repressing it won't work for long. Face up to it and it will lose its' power over you.

This looks like a busy month emotionally! (3 of Swords) Remember to rest and use your happy memories while you work through old emotions. (4 of Swords, 6 of Cups) Things will turn out well, and when you're feeling better you can pick up that learning project again! (Page of Wands)

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