Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Wednesday Spread: Connection Spread, Animystic Tarot

Welcome to the Wednesday spread! This spread is included in the LWB for the Animystic Tarot. It's the perfect way to honour the natural spirit of this deck.

Roots: (Where am I planted?) The Lovers
Teamwork! Whatever situation the cards are describing, it can't be tackled alone. Teamwork will be necessary to come out the other side here, real genuine teamwork with each half depending on the other.

 (What connections have I been ignoring?) Four Of Wands
This is reinforcing the card above! The Four of Wands is a card of celebrating and union, of acknowledging the people who are important and have made a difference. This spread wants to be sure we know that we're not alone; there are people ready and waiting to help us out.

(What bigger picture am I woven into?) Ace of Wands
A shiny new adventure is beginning! This is something we're passionate about and the start of it is very exciting. Given our two cards above, it's probably a group effort rather than a single person plan.

 (How can I collaborate with my environment?) Five of Cups
A tricky card for this spot. The Five of Cups speaks to grief and mourning; we've lost something important, shattered against the base of our tree stump here. Even the weather suits the mood - it's cold and raining. But look - there are two cups still left standing! We can collaborate with our environment by concentrating on what we have, not what we've lost.

 (How can I give back to the beings around me?) The High Priestess
By trusting our instincts! The High Priestess reminds us that we have instincts for a reason; most of us have trained ourselves out of listening to them, but they're still there, whispering in the back of our minds. 

It's an interesting read! Two Majors and three Minors, and two of those are Wands, firey and passionate. There are no logical Swords and no earthy pentacles; this isn't to do with wealth or belongings, it's all about personal pride.

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Wednesday spread: Three Card Spread, Transparent Tarot

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