Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Wednesday spread: Interview spread, Light Seer's Tarot (mini)

 Happy Wednesday, all! This week we're interviewing the Light Seer's Tarot from Hay House; I'm using the mini version but it's exactly the same as the standard. As with the Sugar Skull a few weeks ago, this is a deck I've had for a while but decided to pick back up because I've been given the wonderful book!

As always, I didn't invent this spread, if you did I'd love to hear from you! (And I know how this read looks, but I promise I shuffle in between picking each card!)

Tell me about yourself: 9 of Wands

You will work yourself until you're exhausted if it will help someone else! You never give up when there's more to do, even if you really should. You might even push me past what I think are my limits, forcing me out of my comfort zone. You've obviously known battle, with those rips in your clothes, and you won't hesitate to pull me along with you.

What are your strengths as a deck? 6 of Pentacles

Generosity! As with the 9 above, you will be generous with your wisdom and time, knowing that helping others helps you as well. As long as I am working in good faith, you will as well. The lemniscate in the background reminds us that this can be an infinite cycle of growth! 

What are your limits? Seven of Pentacles

Patience! You're not good at working over long periods of time; you may be better at immediate questions, rather than readings about the distant future. This is almost a way of protecting me, keeping my focus in the here and now rather than constantly looking too far ahead.

What are you here to teach me? 8 of Pentacles

You're here to teach me that anything worth learning takes time! Even focusing on short term questions, I need to be patient, take my time, and practise. The woman on this card has worked through many moon cycles to master her craft, and, as with tarot, she knows there's always more to learn.

How can I best learn and collaborate with you? King of Pentacles

With patience, calmness and an open heart. The King has taken a lifetime to gain his position, and he's willing to help and guide others; you will help and guide me, if I listen to you. Look at all those books of wisdom the King has accumulated - he can share all of this with you in time!

What is the potential outcome of our relationship? 10 of Pentacles

Everything I want! Family, security, friendship and comfort. Working with this deck will help me see how to attain all of these things. This card embodies happy endings, with its cheerful, playing family and the wealth shown in the hanging pearls.

This deck is certainly focused on the earthy Pentacles! It's going to be fantastic for short term, practical questions, but not so good for emotional questions. With that one Wand, it can help me direct my energies, but I'll need to be careful and use my own interpretations as there's no logical Swords here.

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