Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Wednesday spread: Inner Harmony spread, Light Seer's Tarot

Welcome to the Wednesday spread! This week we're trying out one of the Major Arcana spreads from the Tarot for Light Seers book, as that's the deck I'm working with this week. This spread is associated with the Temperance card!

Card one: Where am I out of balance? Show me the excess. (The High Priestess)

I am relying too much on feelings and intuition instead of proof and facts. The High Priestess is in touch with her intuition and trusts it, but there has to be a balance with what's objectively true, and I'm not reaching it. I'm taking too long to think about things instead of acting.

Card two: Where am I out of balance? Show me the deficiency. (Knight of Swords)

This Knight is all about action and going for it. He doesn't hesitate when faced with a decision. As we saw above, I'm not doing that; I'm wembling, trying to feel things out instead of acting on them. I need to find the balance between the two extremes.

Card three: What actions can I take to find inner peace and establish balance? (King of Cups)

The King of Cups knows how to feel his emotions without being overwhelmed by them; he's able to use them to drive himself to greater heights. It's fine to feel the Priestess' intuition, as long as I also take in the facts; moving quickly is good, once I'm confident in my destination. Channeling the King's sense of balance will help me with this.

This reading is pretty clear! I'm leaning too hard on intuition, not enough on action, and I need to find the balance between the two. It would be lovely if we could all be completely sure of things before acting, but sometimes we just have to go for it and hope for the best!

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