Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Wednesday Spread: Interview Spread, Egyptian Tarot

Welcome to the Wednesday Spread! Today we are working with the Egyptian Tarot by Lo Scarabeo. As always, I did not create this spread!

Tell me about yourself: Page of Wands

You're enthusiastic and creative! You'll help me find new ways to look at situations and find the bright side.

What are your strengths as a deck? Queen of Wands

You don't follow the status quo! You'll give me the best advice, regardless of whether it's 'the done thing' or not. With the Page as well you are a deck that will shake things up!

What are your limits? Empress

The Empress is a gentle, nurturing card, but that's not your energy at all - you're bold and bright and fast, so this isn't the deck for emotional problems. 

What are you here to teach me? 8 of Wands

Energy! I should give my all and try my hardest. This is the card of energy and effort.

How can I best learn and collaborate with you? The Tower

I should be prepared for you to shake things up! You're non conformist and will force me to look at things from a new angle, possibly destroying the old way of looking at things. 

What is the potential outcome of our relationship? The Hermit

You'll teach me to take care of myself and to get a new angle on life.

This is certainly a powerful deck! Full of energy and forward motion, you'll push me right out of my comfort zone and help me find new ways to do things. If I'm looking for gentle readings, or help with emotional problems, I should look elsewhere, but for help with work or motivation you're the one that I want!

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