Wednesday 12 June 2024

Wednesday Spread: Tarot Illuminati

Welcome to this week's spread! Hopefully this week will be less focused on me and more on you all...

This week we're doing a five card spread, a general look at the current situation without any specifics. We're using the Total Tarot version of the Tarot Illuminati deck. So let's give it a go.

Present Situation: 4 of Pentacles

Right now we are clinging desperately to something, trying to keep it all to ourselves. This is probably a material something, as Pentacles are the suit of money and belongings, but it might be an experience or even knowledge. There's no harm in sharing if you can; things you give away come back to you in the end. Hoarding isn't making this man happy, is it? Why not spread some joy?

Influences: 9 of Swords

The card of nightmares and terrors. This poor lady is beset by fear and unease and she can't get any sleep! But nightmares are just that; they're nightmares. They're not real; they have only the power that we allow them to have. Relax and see the truth of things. There's nothing to fear. 

Challenges: 8 of Pentacles

The eight of Pentacles represents working hard for something; it's the card of practise and mastery, like this master goldsmith. None of us - well, almost none of us - can pick something up and immediately be good at it, even though we'd all like to. We need to practise, work at it and stay dedicated even when it seems like we're not getting anywhere.

Final Outcome: 10 of Pentacles 

The card of family, contentment and home. You'll have everything you need if you can stay the course, work and practise. It won't come on a platter, but it will come.

Theme: 7 of Pentacles

We really are on a theme here! The seven of Pentacles is the card of hard work well rewarded. Your harvest is rich, but that doesn't mean it's the end. There'll be another harvest next year! What have you learned from this one to make next year even better?

This is a Pentacle heavy reading, so it's all about work, wealth and business. Who's starting a new business or not sure about a new venture?

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