Wednesday 26 June 2024

Wednesday Spread: Tarot for You and Me

Welcome to the Wednesday spread! This is a new deck, so I'm using a deck interview spread to see how we suit each other.

If you follow my tarot you've seen me use a couple of these cards in my daily cards. I'm looking forward to doing this interview to see what the deck is like! I found this spread online; the blog I found it on didn't know who had created it. If it was you, thank you!

First, a little about the deck. Tarot for You and Me is a recently published deck from Simon & Schuster. The author self-identifies as a Queer Black man and he created this deck to reflect the people he sees in his every day life. This deck is literally bursting with color and symbolism and I'm enjoying working with it!

Like many themed decks, some of the cards have been renamed. I've provided the card's more usual name in brackets.

Now, the interview:

What is your most important characteristic?

The Grande Dame (Hierophant)

The Hierophant holds the wisdom of previous generations, their traditions and experiences, and is eager to pass it on to me. This deck is eager to share knowledge. There's a great feeling of spirituality and community here; the Grande Dame has seen it all and wants to help us by passing on the hard-won wisdom she has earned.

What are your strengths as a deck?

6 of Lanterns (Wands)

The card of celebration and acknowledgement! This deck will let me know when I get something right and praise me when it's warranted. This deck will be supportive and friendly and give me a boost when I need it! Everyone needs a cheerleader in their corner and this deck will do that for me if I let it.

What are your limits as a deck?

The World

Endings are always complicated, with mixed feelings and sometimes confusion. This deck doesn't handle endings well and may give uncertain answers. The World usually means the end of a cycle, but placed here in the spread it indicates that the deck may struggle to advise on where to go next.

What are you here to teach me?

Ace of Lanterns (Wands)

This deck is ready to illuminate my path and show me the way forward, if I trust it well enough! This card is about new beginnings and creative projects. The deck will ignite my passions and help me find my way forward.

How can I best learn and collaborate with you?

5 of Lanterns (Wands)

We will drive each other to achieve more every time, never resting on our laurels or letting 'good enough' be good enough! 5 of Wands is always about conflict; it can be jealous and destructive, or it can be friendly and helpful, like teammates helping each other land the perfect move. This deck will drive me to work harder and better at my readings and in life in general, never settling, always growing and improving.

What is the potential outcome of our working relationship?

The Devil

This deck will help me deal with parts of my life that don't serve me any more but that I can't bring myself to let go of; issues, hang ups, anything that is dragging me down and making my life harder. It'll be hard, but it'll be worth it! The Devil shines a light on the darkest sides of our souls, our addictions and bad behaviours. The deck will help me learn from and overcome these parts of myself.

This reading has three Majors and three Wands; it's an energetic, important read, and I should pay a lot of attention to it! The Majors suggest this deck will have a lot of significant things to say, while the Wands suggest we'll do a lot of creative work together.


  1. oh i like this format! deck interview. Nice.

  2. I only started posting these a few weeks ago but I've been doing them for myself for a while. Great way to get to know the deck!


Wednesday Spread: Interview spread, Sugar Skull Tarot deck

Welcome to the Wednesday spread! This deck is one I've had for a while, but not used recently; when I reviewed it I was very early in my...