Sunday, 11 February 2024

Card of the Day Tarot by Kerry Ward and Adam Oehlers

Featuring 12 unique tarot rituals, Card of the Day Tarot is the ultimate guide to performing practical and insightful one-card tarot readings in your everyday life.

Discover the power of one-card tarot readings and say goodbye to complicated, confusing, time-consuming spreads forever.

A tarot practice is a great source for advice, insight, and spiritual connection, but doing tarot readings is sometimes complicated and frustrating. Multi-card spreads can be impractical, tedious, and full of opaque and contradictory messages that take time and practice to tease out. Enter the one-card draw or “card of the day”—simple readings in which just one card is pulled and interpreted. In Card of the Day Tarot, long-time tarot reader and the resident tarot columnist for Cosmopolitan magazine, Kerry Ward, offers 12 everyday one-card tarot rituals for a variety of questions and situations, along with simplified interpretations of all 78 cards, to help you hone your intuition, reconnect with the cards, and breathe new life into your tarot practice.

Incorporating other popular spiritual practices such as meditation, aromatherapy, crystal work, breathwork, and more, Card of the Day Tarot includes a range of one-card draws, readings, and rituals that demonstrate the adaptability and flexibility of the one-card draw. The readings include:

  • Good Morning! Tarot
  • Game Face Tarot
  • Yes or No Tarot
  • Tarot Wind Down
  • Dreams of Tarot
  • One-Card Tarot for Love
  • One-Card Tarot for Career
  • Trance Tarot
And more!

The book also includes revamped interpretations for all 78 cards, offering simplified messages for each one depending on the type of question being asked. Each card includes a life lesson, an affirmation, a reassurance, a yes/no designation, a direct call to action, and more, making this an easy reference guide that will work with any tarot deck.

Whether you’re a beginner reader still learning the meanings of the cards or an experienced practitioner looking for an easy way to bring more tarot into your life, Card of the Day Tarot is a practical, visually stunning guide to conducting meaningful tarot readings in your everyday life—without frustration, confusion, or hours of interpretation. It’s a must-have addition to your tarot shelf!

I'm not much of a ritualistic reader. I just pick up my cards and go, that's what works for me. Some of the books I've read have advised having a ritual, but this is the first one that really goes deeply into it. It's a fascinating subject, and Kerry clearly cares deeply about it; she writes in a way that's easy to follow but still conveys everything you need.

The book is roughly equally divided between the twelve readings and rituals, and the card interpretations. The rituals all follow roughly the same pattern; what this might help with/be good for, beginning the ritual, how to perform it, how to exit it afterwards. Illustrations here aren't actual cards but add to the atmosphere of the book. In the interpretations section, we get an image of the card, some quick advice, an affirmation and a reassurance, a life lesson, a challenge, some things to do or not do, who this card might apply to - eg the Hierophant might be for people involved in a court case - the timing for when this card might come true, and whether it's a yes or no for that kind of read. It's a lot of information and will take time to learn!

A book like this relies heavily on the artwork, and the art here is superb. Embarrassingly, I didn't realise until I was researching for the review that the illustrator, Adam Oehlers, has actually done other tarot decks, including one I own! His slightly mystical, folklore inspired art fits beautifully here; if this deck was actually available, which it doesn't seem to be, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. (Sadly, as often happens with proofs, the art did not all come through; I got all the Major artwork and a few random bits of illustration, but almost none of the Minors which is really sad, I'd have loved to see how he rendered them. All the more reason to buy the book in real life!)

The interpretations have a lot of really useful information, and I can see how the rituals would help to get people into the right head space before reading. As the artwork is all based on the RWS deck, this book would suit perfect beginners as well as more advanced readers looking for a new way of reading. If gifting, consider buying a deck to go with it so the recipient could start reading immediately. 

All in all, a really good read and I will be applying some of the advice!

Card of the Day Tarot is available now. I received a free copy and am giving an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. I have this book in real life and I agree the minors as pictures would of been more perfect. I'm not a ritual before reading cards either kind of person, but the one card reading a day is my thing, so I had to buy x


Wednesday spread: Three Card Spread, Transparent Tarot

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