Saturday, 26 February 2022

Welcome to Totally Tarot reviews!

Welcome to Totally Tarot review! I want to make it clear first of all, I am not affiliated in any way with the magazine, the publishers or Lo Scarabeo; I'm just an enthusiastic subscriber who wants to share (parts of) this collection with you all.
Secondly, obviously I can't share the whole magazine with you (much as I want to, because it's awesome!) So these entries will be more like a detailed summary than a complete reproduction. If you're cool with that, read on for an introduction to the series as a whole.

(Quick note: subscriptions aren't available in my country, so I'm having them sent to a friend who will then forward them to me. Thus, unfortunately, my summaries will always be behind issues arriving, and I won't be able to stick to a schedule as I won't know exactly when I'm going to get anything!)

Wednesday spread: Three Card Spread, Transparent Tarot

Welcome to the Wednesday Spread! This is a three card spread. The LWB for the  Transparent Tarot  suggests using three cards in each space i...